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[SNU CSE Seminar] Automatic generation of globally assured collision-free orientations for 5-axis ball-end tool-paths

2018-08-23l 조회수 2255

일자 : 2018년 8월 27(오전 10-12

장소 : 302동 317-3


제목 : Automatic generation of globally assured collision-free orientations for 5-axis ball-end tool-paths


연사 : Professor Gershon Elber

(Computer Science Department, Technion, Israel)




We present a method for generating smooth 5-axis tool-paths for computer numerical control (CNC) machining, that are assured to be globally accessible. We do so, for a given ball-end cutter and cutter contact curve, and a general arrangement of model and obstacle freeform surfaces. The proposed method is based on a conservative computation of accessibility for (small) finite surface and orientation elements. A conservative estimate ensures the correctness of the solution, and allows us to define a continuous accessible volume in the tool’s configuration space. This global accessibility volume, in turn, allows us to plan an accessible tool-path, and optimize it globally. The conservative approach we use allows accessibility computations to be made for an entire cutter contact curve, eliminating the need to compute accessibility for individual cutter contact points, along with the shortcomings that such a sampling approach would introduce.

As part of the talk, we will also present examples using the proposed method, that turns paths specified on the surface (cutter contact curves) into valid 5-axis tool-paths with orientation information. We also present results using a CNC machining simulation software, validating the proposed approach and demonstrating realistic manufacturing processes using the proposed methods.


문의: 3D Modeling and Processing Lab. (880-1840)


Short Bio and Areas of Research Interest


Gershon Elber is a professor in the Computer Science Department, Technion, Israel. His research interests span computer aided geometric designs and computer graphics. Prof. Elber received a BSc in computer engineering and an MSc in computer science from the Technion, Israel in 1986 and 1987, respectively, and a PhD in computer science from the University of Utah, USA, in 1992. He is a member of SIAM and the ACM.

Prof. Elber has served on the editorial board of the Computer Aided Design, Computer Graphics Forum, The Visual Computer, Graphical Models, and the International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications and has served in many conference program committees including Solid Modeling, Shape Modeling, Geometric Modeling and Processing, Pacific Graphics, Computer Graphics International, and Siggraph. Prof. Elber was one of the paper chairs of Solid Modeling 2003 and Solid Modeling 2004, one of the conference chairs of Solid and Physical Modeling 2010, the chair of GDM 2014, the conference co-chair of SIAM GD/SPM 2015, and the confernce co-chair of SPM 2018. He has published over 200 papers in international conferences and journals and is one of the authors of a book titled "Geometric Modeling with Splines - An Introduction". Prof. Elber received the John Gregory Memorial Award, 2011, in "Appreciation for Outstanding Contributions in Geometric Modeling", and the Solid Modeling Association pioneers award in 2016.

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