세미나 공고
일자 : 2018년 10월 29일(월) 오후 2-4시
장소 : 302동 317-3호
제목 : Advantages of a circular boundary representation for applications in computational geometry
연사 : Prof. Bert Juettler
Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
B.S. (1988-1990): TU Dresden, Germany
M.S. (1990-1992): TU Darmstadt, Germany
Ph.D. (1992-1994): TU Darmstadt, Germany
Processing planar shapes dened by boundary curves is a fundamental task in computational geometry. Such a boundary curve is often a polyline obtained by approximating an input curve. We investigate the possibility of approximating an input curve by arc splines instead of polylines. One advantage is that an arc spline approximation needs less primitives to obtain the same accuracy compared to a polyline. Another one is that arc splines are potentially tangent continuous.
These advantages of the arc spline representation of planar domains have been exploited to formulate powerful algorithms for the computation of the medial axis, offsets, Voronoi diagrams of free-form sites, and convex hulls.
We recall a simple algorithm to compute an arc spline of a spline curve with accuracy epsilon. Furthermore, we discuss several applications of shapes dened by arc splines. These include mitered osets and the associated skeletons, and arc brations of planar domains.
Joint work with Bastian Weiss, Lisa Murauer, and Markus Winkler.
문의: 3D Modeling and Processing Lab. (880-1840)